Naman In-Store (India)

Naman In-Store (India) Info

Details about the Naman In-Store (India) IPO. Opening Date of Naman In-Store (India) is 22 Mar 24 and Closing Date is 27 Mar 24 . Face Value of Each share of Naman In-Store (India) is ₹10 per share. Price band of Naman In-Store (India) is ₹84 to ₹89. The Lot size of Naman In-Store (India) is 1,600 shares. Total issue size of Naman In-Store (India) IPO is  ₹25.35 cr. Fresh Issue of Naman In-Store (India) IPO is 25.35 cr. This is a Book Building IPO. Expected to list on NSE SME. Share Holding Pre Issue of Naman In-Store (India) is 7,700,000. Share Holding Post Issue of Naman In-Store (India) is 10,548,000.

Business Summary

Naman In-Store (India) Limited is a prominent display and retail fixture company with a broad spectrum of offerings tailored to various industries. In the retail sector, company specialize in providing top-notch store fixtures for fashion, apparel, footwear, beauty and electronic retailers. Company’s range of fixtures is designed to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of retail spaces.

Naman operates on a B2B (Business-to-Business) model and thus does not operate on dealership mode. .

Company have a diverse clientele spanning different geographies, industry verticals, and service offerings.

Naman In-Store (India) IPO Details
Open Date22 Mar 24
Close Date27 Mar 24
Face Value₹10 per shares
Price Band₹84 - ₹89
Lot Size1,600 Shares
Total issue Size2,848,000 Shares ₹25.35 cr
Fresh Issue2,848,000 Shares ₹25.35 cr
Issue Type Book Building
Listing AtNSE SME
Share Holding Pre Issue7,700,000
Share Holding Post Issue10,548,000
Market MakerGiriraj Stock Broking
Market Maker Portion142,400 Shares
Naman In-Store (India) IPO Timeline

The Naman In-Store (India) Initial Public Offering (IPO) is set to open on 22 Mar 24 and will end its subscription phase on 27 Mar 24. You can check your allotment status for Naman In-Store (India) on 28 Mar 24. The refund process for your funds will start promptly on 01 Apr 24.  Naman In-Store (India) IPO credit of shares will be on 01 Apr 24. The listing date for Naman In-Store (India) is on 02 Apr 24.

  1. Open Date

  2. Close Date

  3. Basis Of Allotment

  4. Initialization of Refund

  5. Credit of Share

  6. Listing Date

Naman In-Store (India) IPO Reservation

The Naman In-Store (India) IPO reserves shares for different investor categories. Approximately Not more than 50% of the Net Issue will be available for QIB, Not less than 15% of the Net Issue will be available for NII, Not less than 35% of the Net Issue will be available for Retail,
142,400 Shares will be reserved for subscription by Giriraj Stock Broking

Investor CategoryShares Offered
QIBNot more than 50% of the Net Issue
NIINot less than 15% of the Net Issue
RetailNot less than 35% of the Net Issue
Naman In-Store (India) IPO Lot Size

Bids can be made for minimum of 1600 shares and in multiple of 1600 equity shares thereafter

Retail (Min)11,600142,400
Retail (Max)11,600142,400
HNI (Min)23,200284,800
Naman In-Store (India) IPO Promoters Holding

Promoters holding details for Naman In-Store (India) in the current issue is as follows: The share holding of promoters before the issue stands at 100%, and after the issue, it has been adjusted to -%.

Promoters of Naman In-Store (India) are Mr. Raju Paleja, Ms. Bhavika Paleja, Mr. Jay Shah, Mr. Mehul Naik, Mr. Abdul Shahid Shaikh,

Share Holding Pre Issue100%
Share Holding Post Issue-%
Naman In-Store (India) Financial Information

Financial performance details for Naman In-Store (India) over the years are as follows: The table below presents key financial indicators, including Assets, Revenue, and Profit After Tax (PAT).

Period30 Sept 2331 Mar 2331 Mar 2231 Mar 21
Profit After Tax618.89381.7121.255.08
₹ In Lakhs
Naman In-Store (India) IPO Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Naman In-Store (India) are outlined below. Monitoring these KPIs provides insights into the company's operational and strategic performance. The table presents various performance indicators along with their corresponding values.

P/E (x)17.95
EPS (Rs)4.96
Object of the Issue
  • Funding capital expenditure of the company to acquire land on leasehold basis at Butibori, MIDC and proposes to shift the existing manufacturing facilities of the company
  • Construction of factory building
  • General Corporate Purposes
Contact Details for Naman In-Store (India)


E/13-14, Shree Sardar Patel CHSL, Patel Baug, Nehru Road, Opp Adarsh petrol pump, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai - 400057

Registrar Details for Naman In-Store (India)
Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd


S6-2, 6th Floor, Pinnacle Business Park, Next to Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400093 MH, India.

Lead Manager
  • GYR Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd
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